

Hat Giveaway 2

University Advancement

You Help the Falcons Fly High!

Our Falcon family helps us rise to the occasion and push forward toward a more inclusive, innovative and global university. Thank you!

Giving Socities

The three donor societies exist to聽recognize the outstanding financial contributions from private donors and organizations. Members of the donor societies demonstrate a deep commitment to the university, and they have special benefits extended only to members. Contact University Advancement at 715-425-3505 to learn how you can become a member!

The Chancellor's Circle honors the exceptional generosity of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who contribute $1,000 or more to the university during a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Within the Chancellor's circle, there are additional tiers of giving that are recognized with additional benefits.

Silver Circle: $2,500
Gold Circle: $5,000
Platinum Circle: $10,000

Members of the Legacy Society have expressed their commitment to UW-River Falls through a very special kind of financial support. These members have included the UW-River Falls in their estate plans through wills, trusts, life-income gifts, gifts of property, or named the university as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.

If you intend to make a planned gift, please be sure to indicate "UW-River Falls Foundation" as a beneficiary (Tax Identification Number: 396064630).

For more information about making a planned gift, contact the University Advancement office at 715-425-3505 or visit our .

The 1874 Society is the lifetime circle of giving, honoring the benefactors who have given at a cumulative level of $25,000. Within the 1874 Society, there are additional tiers of giving that are recognized with additional benefits.

Associate: $5,000 lifetime giving
Partner: $100,000 lifetime giving
Leader: $250,000 lifetime giving
Benefactor: $500,000 lifetime giving

Donor Impact

Our donors make our innovative and global education possible for our current and future Falcons. (Stewardship Report coming soon!)

Contact Us
Office of University Advancement
112 South Hall